Plug-and-play template for your disclosures page + plug-and-play template for your sponsored and in-article affiliate links disclosure for your blog posts

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Get the exact blueprint that makes me $20K+ blogging every single month. Lay the foundations of a profitable blog in less than a week to promote your business or make money blogging without a big budget or millions of followers! Regular price $47+.

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Hi, I'm Lucrezia!
A top-class lawyer who's also a blogger and a business owner - who can understand you better?

Together with my sister Marina, I’m the founder of Blogging for New Bloggers, Legals for Business Owners, and other successful blogs in different niches + host of the popular Blogging for New Bloggers Facebook Group (36K+ members). I’ve worked as an international lawyer and university lecturer (LLB, LLM, PhD) in different countries and now use the combination of my research, teaching, and blogging experience + over 15 years’ legal expertise to empower bloggers and online entrepreneurs just like YOU to run a successful business and blog profitably and legally. I started my first blog, Tinylovebug, at a time when I needed to take my mind off my fertility struggles. Born as a creative outlet, this little lifestyle blog blossomed into a profitable business within the first 6 months. As the money grew more and more consistent, I went on a mission to empower others to do the same. Only a few years later, I’m now a mum and have helped thousands of entrepreneurs grow their business and protect it legally.  

You're in good company

More than 30K bloggers, podcasters, coaches, course creators, and other online entrepreneurs from the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other countries have taken my blogging and legal courses and used my legal templates to create GDPR + CCPA + FTC compliant legal policies and pages for their businesses.

Disclosures Template$47

  • Total payment
  • 1xDisclosures Template$47

All prices in USD


DFY disclosures templates drafted by a top-class lawyer 

Specifically designed for bloggers, podcasters, course creators, coaches, and online entrepreneurs 

Fully compliant with FTC guidelines and other regulations 

Works for websites, e-books, e-courses, freebies, and more 

Ideal if you're based in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other countries


Amazon Associates Special Requirements Module ($32 VALUE)

How To Set Up Sponsored/No Follow Links Module ($27 VALUE)

How To Set Up Sponsored/No Follow Links Module ($27 VALUE)

Future Updates at No Extra Cost ($297 VALUE)

License for ALL the Businesses and Websites You Own ($234 VALUE)

Private Membership Area Hosted on Teachable

Access to Generous Affiliate Program and Referral Program


  • get peace of mind of being legally protected
  • avoid fines and lawsuits 
  • look legit and trustworthy to build a community of repeat customers 
  • follow SEO best practices to rank well on Google and other search engines
  • apply with confidence for ad networks, affiliate programs, brand sponsorships, joint ventures and other partnerships


“Thanks to Lucrezia’s courses, I am much more secure in the legal protections I have in place on my blog. I have one less thing to worry about and can focus my time and energy into growing my blog into what I intended it to be, a fun, money-making, business. Thank you Lucrezia for sharing your knowledge as an attorney and blogger with all of us to ensure we have the proper protections for our blogs.“ 


"Within a week of getting my policies sorted I received a collaboration offer, and going through the Disclosures Module made knowing how to set up my affiliate posts a breeze- right in time for Christmas! Thanks so much!”


“The legal and disclosure pages is something so many of us bloggers ignore, simply because we don’t understand it. And we also think that unless we have huge traffic and making tons of money, we don’t need to legally comply with anything. We’re just small fish, right? So wrong. I loved that Lucrezia’s course was so to the point and easy to understand for someone without a legal background.”

